Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Vision: Where do I want to be tomorrow?

After a freaky show this evening (Notes on a Scandal), Arpit and I were catching up on old days and how lifes been offlate and one of the things we talked about was "it would be interesting to see where we all land up in 5 years time!"....we ended up joking about how some would be busy with family & kids...some thriving in their own startups....some pursuing hectic careers in the domain of IB and Consulting.

Definitely intriguing to think where would we friends land up in a few years time...and whether that would be a result of conscious plans/decisions or just a matter of where life takes us?!......Arpit definitely wants to opt for the latter route for the time being..believes in taking his chances, trying and experimenting different options before deciding on where he really wants to head.....i am of the opinion that at this stage in life its important to make an attempt to carve out a long term plan(see:
Rachit's blog on the same matter) and figure out where one wants to be/end up (a realistic dream or wishlist is what i would call it)....not that its easy and not thats where one will end up being.. but one needs to start somewhere and hence the need to have an end in sight....one can then decide various routes or options on "how to get there"....and this is where one probably needs to be flexible enought to accomodate life's variables, surprises and challenges.....without this vision, its easy to drift....not that its bad/not enjoyable to drift on many occassions....but then drifting definitely means not having enough control/say on one's life...which i would think make life pretty difficult to handle!.....

So, where do i want to be?....well at this point in time have a visibility of 5 years...career wise, would want to have had an experience as an overseas centre director at one of IESingapore's overseas centres and also have completed my MBA by then.....personal life wise, by then ideally would want to settle down with the person I love:)

Only time will tell whether I realize these dreams but its comforting personally that I have a few milestones set to achieve (I know Arpit, its not adventorous enough!)

Will be interesting to return to this blog in 2012 and assess what life did have to offer in the 5 years.....and hope by then I have a clearer vision of how I would want the next phase of my life to shape up!

"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someones planted a tree a long time ago" ~ Warren Buffet

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